Thua Dam Kaeng Buad (Black Bean in Coconut Cream)

Thai famous Black Beans in Coconut Cream or "Thua Dam Kaeng Buad" for local Thais. Most or the time we serve with sweet sticky rice topped by black beans in coconut cream.

  • 1 cup black beans
  • 2.5 cups coconut milk
  • 1 cup palm sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • Soak the beans for 3 hours (or leave them soaking overnight).
  • Boil them in the water in which they were soaked, and when they are tender, remove from the heat and drain off the water.
  • Mix the coconut milk with the salt and sugar until the salt and sugar has dissolved.
  • Then, bring to a boil, filter through cheesecloth, and then return to the heat.
  • Add the beans, and when the coconut cream has returned to a good boil, remove from the heat and the bananas are pale red, then remove from the heat Arrange on a plate.
  • Serve warm.
Tip : The slaked lime water will give the firm texture to the bananas, however it can be omitted in case of unavailability.